Stick around a little longer if you also like rockets...

Do you like space?

Because we do.

Do you like space?

Because we do.

Strathclyde's Space Society since 2011.

StrathSEDS runs talks, events and workshops aimed at giving students a link to the space industry. During the semester we hold meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm. On Tuesdays we hold one-off sessions designed to give students an environment to grow their interest in space and gain skills necessary to work in the industry. Thursdays are dedicated to working on projects such as Strathosphere I.


The project team at StrathSEDS is working on innovative projects and competitions to show off our skills. Learn more about our projects.

Join us!

We're super welcoming and would love to have you on our team. Join us on Discord or come along to our weekly meetings! Pick up a membership on the union page.
If you need to get in touch, you can send us an email at [email protected].